Отправлено: 6 января 2017 — 23:53
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011
Admin.php - Handles basic administration functions.
BoardIndex.php - The functions in this file are used to display the board index.
Calendar.php - This file contains functions used for displaying the calendar
Class-Package.php - Contains the ftp_connection and xmlArray classes. The ftp_connection class contains functions for FTP-related file management, while the xmlArray class is a simple XML DOM parser. Both classes were located in Subs-Packages.php in previous versions of SMF. Note: The xmlArray functions documented here are the only ones that can be called from outside the class.
DbExtra-mysql.php - This file contains rarely used extended database functionality. Most of the functions in this file deal with creating database dumps. The functions in this file are only used for MySQL.
DbExtra-postgresql.php - This file contains rarely used extended database functionality. Most of the functions in this file deal with creating database dumps. The functions in this file are only used for PostgreSQL.
DbExtra-sqlite.php - This file contains rarely used extended database functionality. The functions in this file are used for SQLite
DbPackages-mysql.php - This file contains functions specifically designed to be utilized by packages. This file is used for MySQL databases.
DbPackages-postgresql.php - This file contains functions specifically designed to be utilized by packages. This file is used for PostgreSQL databases.
DbPackages-sqlite.php - This file contains functions specifically designed to be utilized by packages. This file is used for SQLite databases.
DbSearch-mysql.php - Contains functions for handling various search-related functions.
DbSearch-postgresql.php - Contains functions needed for handling search-related functionality in PostgreSQL.
DbSearch-sqlite.php - Contains functions for handling search-related functionality in SQLite
Display.php - This is perhaps the most important and probably most accessed files in all of SMF. This file controls topic, message, and attachment display.
DumpDatabase.php - This file handles database backups.
Errors.php - This important file contains functions for handling and logging errors.
Groups.php - This file currently just shows group info, and allows certain privileged members to add/remove members.
Help.php - This file handles the nifty little admin help popup boxes and the user help pages.
Karma.php - This file handles smiting and applauding.
Load.php - This is probably one of the most important files in SMF. It is responsible for loading just about all data that is used by SMF - member info, permissions, boards, etc. It also handles all session-related operations, censored text and (in 1.1) caching.
LockTopic.php - This file handles locking and stickying of topics.
LogInOut.php - This file is concerned pretty much entirely, as you see from its name, with logging in and out members, and the validation of that.
ManageAttachments.php - This file handles a lot of admin functions for managing attachments and uploaded avatars.
ManageBans.php - This file contains all the functions needed for the ban center.
ManageBoards.php - This file controls all the admin functions for managing and editing boards.
ManageCalendar.php - Contains functions for managing holidays, events and various calendar-related options and settings.
ManageErrors.php - This file handles the error log and the deletion of said errors.
ManageMail.php - This file is all about mail, how we love it so. In particular it handles the admin side of mail configuration, as well as reviewing the mail queue - if enabled.
ManageMaintenance.php - This file contains functions for various forum maintenance tasks.
ManageMembergroups.php - This file contains all the functions necessary for membergroup management in the admin center. Many of the functions in this file are found in ManageMembers.php in 1.0.x
ManageMembers.php - Contains functions necessary for managing members. In 1.0.x, this file also contains functions for managing membergroups and various other member-related functions.
ManageNews.php - This file is responsible for handling everything in the "News and Newsletters" section of the admin center.
ManagePaid.php - This file contains functions for managing paid subscriptions and related settings.
ManagePermissions.php - ManagePermissions handles all possible permission stuff.
ManagePosts.php - This file contains all the screens for managing Posts and Topics settings.
ManageRegistration.php - This file helps the administrator setting registration settings and policy as well as allow the administrator to register new members themselves.
ManageScheduledTasks.php - Handles everything related to scheduled tasks.
ManageSearch.php - Handles all the functionality related to search settings in the admin center.
ManageSearchEngines.php - Contains functions for handling features and options related to search engines
ManageServer.php - This file contains all the functionality needed to edit the core server settings.
ManageSettings.php - Этот файл содержит функции для управления различными настройками форума, а также страницы для «Настройки модов».
ManageSmileys.php - This file contains functions for managing smileys and smiley sets.
Memberlist.php - This file handles the main (publicly-viewable) memberlist, as well as searching for members via the memberlist.
MessageIndex.php - Loads up a list of topics (and child boards) in a particular board and displays them.
ModLog.php - This file is responsible for the Moderation Log.
MoveTopic.php - Contains functions for moving one or more topics.
News.php - Contains functions for all of the news feeds.
Notify.php - This file contains just the functions that turn on and off notifications to topics or boards.
PackageGet.php - This whole file deals with package servers and downloading/uploading new packages.
Packages.php - This important file handles a lot of things related to the package manager.
PersonalMessage.php - Contains functions for handling the PM center. File was called InstantMessage.php in 1.0.x
Poll.php - This file contains the functions for voting, locking, removing and editing polls. Posting of polls is handled by Post.php...
Post.php - The job of this file is to handle everything related to posting replies, new topics, quotes, and modifications to existing posts. It also handles quoting posts by way of a popup.
Printpage.php - This file contains just one function that formats a topic to be printer friendly.
Profile-Actions.php - This file contains profile action functions.
Profile-Modify.php - This file has the primary job of showing and editing people\'s profiles. It also allows the user to change some of their or another\'s preferences, and such things
Profile-View.php - This file contains functions dealing with the actual viewing of a user\'s profile.
Profile.php - This file handles all of the profile-related functionality.
QueryString.php - This file does a lot of important stuff. Mainly, this means it handles the query string, request variables, and session management.
Recent.php - This file had one very clear purpose. It is here expressly to find and retrieve information about recently posted topics, messages, and the like.
Register.php - This file has two main jobs, but they really are one. It registers new members, and it helps the administrator moderate member registrations. Similarly, it handles account activation as well.
Reminder.php - This file deals with all the "Forgot your password?" things.
RemoveTopic.php - This file handles removing topics and posts.
RepairBoards.php - This file is solely responsible for handling the Find and Repair Any Errors maintenance task.
Reports.php - This file is exclusively for generating reports to help assist forum administrators keep track of their forum configuration and state. The core report generation is done in two areas. Firstly, a report "generator" will fill context with relevant data. Secondly, the choice of sub-template will determine how this data is shown to the user.
ScheduledTasks.php - Handles all of the scheduled tasks
Search.php - This file handles all of the search things.
SearchAPI-Custom.php - A class and methods for interfacing with the custom search index
SearchAPI-Fulltext.php - Contains methods for handling searches using MySQL\'s fulltext index.
SearchAPI-Standard.php - Standard search. Doesn\'t use an index.
Security.php - This file has the very important job of insuring forum security. This task includes banning and permissions, namely.
SendTopic.php - This file handles the "send topic" and "report to moderator" features.
SplitTopics.php - This file handles merging and splitting topics.
SSI.php - Contains nearly 30 functions designed to make integration with your forum simple and easy. By including this file in your code, you gain full access to SMF and all its functions...
Stats.php - Loads up all the information for the forum statistics
Subs-Admin.php - Contains a few handy admin functions.
Subs-Auth.php - This file contains functions relating to authentication, user handling and the like.
Subs-BoardIndex.php - Contains one function which loads all the data for the boardindex and messageindex.
Subs-Boards.php - This file is mainly concerned with minor tasks relating to boards, such as marking them read, collapsing categories, or quick moderation.
Subs-Calendar.php - This file contains several functions for retrieving and manipulating calendar events, birthdays and holidays.
Subs-Categories.php - This file contains the functions to add, modify, remove, collapse and expand categories.
Subs-Charset.php - Contains functions dealing with character sets and string manipulation, mostly dealing with UTF-8.
Subs-Compat.php - This file provides compatibility functions and code for older versions of PHP, such as the sha1() function. It is only included for those older versions.
Subs-Db-mysql.php - This file has all the main functions in it that relate to the database. These functions are used for MySQL databases.
Subs-Editor.php - This file contains those functions specific to the editing box and is generally used for WYSIWYG type functionality.
Subs-Graphics.php - Contains many graphics-related functions for attachments and uploaded avatars.
Subs-List.php - Handles the creation of lists of data.
Subs-Membergroups.php - This file contains functions regarding manipulation of and information about membergroups.
Subs-Members.php - This file contains some useful functions for members and membergroups. Many of these functions are in either ManageMembers.php or ManageMembergroups.php in 1.0.x.
Subs-MembersOnline.php - This file currently only holds the function for showing a list of online users used by the board index and SSI. In the future it\'ll also contain functions used by the Who\'s online page.
Subs-Menu.php - This file contains functions for handling and displaying menus throughout SMF.
Subs-Package.php - This file\'s central purpose of existence is that of making the package manager work nicely. It contains functions for handling tar.gz and zip files, as well as a simple xml parser to handle the xml package stuff. Not to mention a few functions to make file handling easier.
Subs-Post.php - This file contains those functions pertaining to posting, and other such operations, including sending emails, PMs, blocking spam, preparsing posts, spell checking, and the post box.
Subs-Recent.php - Contains two functions related to getting recent posts...
Subs-Sound.php - This file handles sound processing. In order to make sure the visual verification is still accessible for all users, a sound clip is being addded that reads the letters that are being shown.
Subs.php - With more than 30 functions that relate to nearly everything, this file is one of the largest and most important files in SMF.
Themes.php - This file concerns itself almost completely with theme administration. Its tasks include changing theme settings, installing and removing themes, choosing the current theme, and editing themes.
ViewQuery.php - This file is concerned with viewing queries, and is used for debugging (ie when the "db_show_debug" variable is enabled in Settings.php)
Who.php - This file handles the Who\'s Online list.
Более полное описание смотри здесь. |
Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 12:01
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011
Class-Package.php - Contains the ftp_connection and xmlArray classes. The ftp_connection class contains functions for FTP-related file management, while the xmlArray class is a simple XML DOM parser. Both classes were located in Subs-Packages.php in previous versions of SMF. Note: The xmlArray functions documented here are the only ones that can be called from outside the class.
ftp_connection', 'Constructor for the ftp_connection class.
ftp_connection::chdir', 'Changes to the specified directory, if possible.
ftp_connection::check_response', 'Checks to see if the desired response code was returned.
ftp_connection::chmod', 'Chmods the specified file to the specified value.
ftp_connection::close', 'Closes the current FTP connection.
ftp_connection::connect', 'Called by ftp_connection to open a new connection.
ftp_connection::create_dir', 'Create a new directory with the specified name.
ftp_connection::create_file', 'Attempts to create the specified file.
ftp_connection::detect_path', 'Two purposes - attempts to detect the path for FTP (and your username if you\'re on cPanel) and also attempts to detect the path to the specified file if an FTP connection is available.
ftp_connection::list_dir', 'Retrieves a directory listing for the specified directory.
ftp_connection::locate', 'Attempts to locate the specified file or directory.
ftp_connection::passive', 'Attempts to establish a passive connection to the FTP server.
ftp_connection::unlink', 'Deletes the specified file from the server.
xmlArray', 'Creates a new xmlArray object, which is an simple xml dom parser.
xmlArray::count', 'Returns the number of elements the path matches.
xmlArray::create_xml', 'Creates an xml file from an xmlArray.
xmlArray::exists', 'Returns whether the specified path matches at least one element.
xmlArray::fetch', 'Retrieves the textual value of the specified path.
xmlArray::name', 'Returns the name of the current element, usually \'\' (empty string).
xmlArray::path', 'Finds any elements that match the path specified.
xmlArray::set', 'Returns an array of xmlArray\'s matching the specified path.
xmlArray::to_array', 'Outputs the XML in array format. |
Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 12:32
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011
DbExtra-mysql.php - This file contains rarely used extended database functionality. Most of the functions in this file deal with creating database dumps. The functions in this file are only used for MySQL.
db_extra_init', 'Adds the following functions to $smcFunc: db_backup_table, db_optimize_table, db_insert_sql, db_table_sql, db_list_tables and db_get_version.
smf_db_backup_table', 'Creates a backup of a table with the specified name.
smf_db_get_version', 'A simple function to get and return the database version.
smf_db_insert_sql', 'Returns the appropriate "INSERT" statement(s) to insert the current data for this table.
smf_db_list_tables', 'Fetches a list of tables in the database.
smf_db_optimize_table', 'Attempts to optimize the specified table.
smf_db_table_sql', 'Gets the appropriate "CREATE" statement for the specified table. |
Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 12:36
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011
DbExtra-postgresql.php - This file contains rarely used extended database functionality. Most of the functions in this file deal with creating database dumps. The functions in this file are only used for PostgreSQL.
db_extra_init', 'Adds the following functions to $smcFunc: db_backup_table, db_optimize_table, db_insert_sql, db_table_sql, db_list_tables and db_get_version.
smf_db_backup_table', 'Creates a backup of a table with the specified name.
smf_db_get_version', 'A simple function to get and return the database version.
smf_db_insert_sql', 'Returns the appropriate "INSERT" statement(s) to insert the current data for this table.
smf_db_list_tables', 'Fetches a list of tables in the database.
smf_db_optimize_table', 'Attempts to optimize the specified table.
smf_db_table_sql', 'Gets the appropriate "CREATE" statement for the specified table. |
Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 12:39
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011
DbExtra-sqlite.php - This file contains rarely used extended database functionality. The functions in this file are used for SQLite
db_extra_init', 'Adds the following functions to $smcFunc: db_backup_table, db_optimize_table, db_insert_sql, db_table_sql, db_list_tables and db_get_version.
smf_db_backup_table', 'Creates a backup of a table with the specified name.
smf_db_get_backup', 'Returns a gzipped copy of the database file.
smf_db_get_version', 'A simple function to get and return the database version.
smf_db_list_tables', 'Fetches a list of tables in the database.
smf_db_optimize_table', 'Attempts to optimize the specified table.
smf_db_table_sql', 'Gets the appropriate "CREATE" statement for the specified table. |
Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 12:43
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011
DbPackages-mysql.php - This file contains functions specifically designed to be utilized by packages. This file is used for MySQL databases.
dbpackages_init', 'Loads the numerous functions in this file into $smcFunc if they aren\'t already there.
smf_db_add_column', 'Adds a column to a table.
smf_db_add_index', 'Adds an index to the specified table.
smf_db_calculate_type', 'Determines the correct column type and size based on the given parameters.
smf_db_change_column', 'Changes a column.
smf_db_create_table', 'Creates a table with the specified column(s), index(es), etc.
smf_db_drop_table', 'Drops the specified table.
smf_db_list_columns', 'Returns information about all the columns in a table.
smf_db_list_indexes', 'Returns information about the indexes in a table.
smf_db_remove_column', 'Drops the specified column from the specified table.
smf_db_remove_index', 'Removes the specified index.
smf_db_table_structure', 'Gets and returns information about the structure of the specified table. |
Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 12:47
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011
DbPackages-postgresql.php - This file contains functions specifically designed to be utilized by packages. This file is used for PostgreSQL databases.
dbpackages_init', 'Loads the numerous functions in this file into $smcFunc if they aren\'t already there.
smf_db_add_column', 'Adds a column to a table.
smf_db_add_index', 'Adds an index to the specified table.
smf_db_calculate_type', 'Determines the correct column type and size based on the given parameters.
smf_db_change_column', 'Changes a column.
smf_db_create_table', 'Creates a table with the specified column(s), index(es), etc.
smf_db_drop_table', 'Drops the specified table.
smf_db_list_columns', 'Returns information about all the columns in a table.
smf_db_list_indexes', 'Returns information about the indexes in a table.
smf_db_remove_column', 'Drops the specified column from the specified table.
smf_db_remove_index', 'Removes the specified index.
smf_db_table_structure', 'Gets and returns information about the structure of the specified table. |