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Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 13:57
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Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManageMembergroups.php - This file contains all the functions necessary for membergroup management in the admin center. Many of the functions in this file are found in ManageMembers.php in 1.0.x

AddMembergroup', 'This function handles adding new membergroups - loads information for the interface and also handles inserting the new membergroup information.
DeleteMembergroup', 'This function handles deletion of a membergroup.
EditMembergroup', 'This function loads up information for modifying an existing group.
MembergroupIndex', 'Loads information about all the membergroups.
ModifyMembergroups', 'This is the main membergroup management function. It loads up all the information, sets up the sub-actions and checks permissions before calling the appropriate function.
ModifyMembergroupSettings', 'Set some general membergroup settings and permissions.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 13:57
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Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManageMembers.php - Contains functions necessary for managing members. In 1.0.x, this file also contains functions for managing membergroups and various other member-related functions.

AdminApprove', 'Handles activating/approving/deleting/reminding members, based on the admin\'s choice.
AdminBrowse', 'Loads up a list of accounts that have not been activated and/or approved yet, allowing the admin to do what they want with these accounts.
jeffsdatediff', 'Internal utility function used for calculating the difference between two dates. Takes time offset values into account.
MembersAwaitingActivation', 'Shows a list of members awaiting approval or activation.
SearchMembers', 'Search the member list, using one or more criteria.
ViewMemberlist', 'Shows a list of members.
ViewMembers', 'The main function for the admin member interface.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 13:58
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Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManageNews.php - This file is responsible for handling everything in the "News and Newsletters" section of the admin center.

ComposeMailing', 'Shows the form to edit the newsletter and its recipients.
EditNews', 'Handles adding and editing of news items.
ManageNews', 'The entrance point for all News and Newsletter screens.
ModifyNewsSettings', 'Set general news and newsletter settings and permissions.
SelectMailingMembers', 'Allows a user to select the membergroups to send their mailing to.
SendMailing', 'Handles the sending of the forum mailing in batches.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 13:58
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Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManagePaid.php - This file contains functions for managing paid subscriptions and related settings.

addSubscription', 'Add or extend a subscription for a user.
list_getSubscribedUserCount', 'Gets and returns the number of users subscribed to a particular subscription.
list_getSubscribedUsers', 'Gets information about the users subscribed to a particular subscription and returns it for the list.
loadPaymentGateways', 'Loads up information about any available payment gateways.
loadSubscriptions', 'Loads up the $context[\'subscriptions\'] array, which contains information about all the subscriptions.
ManagePaidSubscriptions', 'Main entry point for managing paid subscriptions.
ModifySubscription', 'Handles adding, editing and deleting a subscription.
ModifySubscriptionSettings', 'Handles settings related to paid subscriptions.
ModifyUserSubscription', 'Add or edit a user subscription.
reapplySubscriptions', 'Re-applies subscription rules to the specified user/users.
removeSubscription', 'Removes a subscription for a user.
ViewSubscribedUsers', 'View a list of all users who are subscribed to a particular subscription.
ViewSubscriptions', 'Shows a list of all current subscriptions.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 13:58
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Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManagePermissions.php - ManagePermissions handles all possible permission stuff.

EditPermissionProfiles', 'This function handles adding, editing and deleting of permissions profiles.
GeneralPermissionSettings', 'A screen to set up some general permission-related settings.
init_inline_permissions', 'Internal function to initialise the inline permission settings.
loadAllPermissions', 'Internal function to load permissions into $context[\'permissions\'].
loadIllegalGuestPermissions', 'Loads up an array of permissions that guests can\'t have.
loadIllegalPermissions', 'Loads up any permissions that the current user cannot grant.
loadPermissionProfiles', 'Loads up all available permissions profiles for editing.
ModifyMembergroup', 'Modify permissions (local or global) for a particular group.
ModifyMembergroup2', 'Saves permissions for a particular group.
ModifyPermissions', 'The main entrance point for modifying permissions.
ModifyPostModeration', 'Presents a nice screen for applying post moderation.
PermissionByBoard', 'Shows a list of boards and their assigned permissions profiles, and allows you to change each board\'s profile.
PermissionsIndex', 'The default "Manage Permissions" screen.
save_inline_permissions', 'Saves permissions from an inline permissions form.
setPermissionLevel', 'Internal function used to set up pre-defined permissions levels.
SetQuickGroups', 'Handles permission modification actions from the upper part of the permission manager index.
theme_inline_permissions', 'Function called by templates to show a list of permissions settings.
updateChildPermissions', 'Updates permissions for any groups that are based off the specified group.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 13:58
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Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManagePosts.php - This file contains all the screens for managing Posts and Topics settings.

ManagePostSettings', 'The main entrance point for the \'Posts and topics\' screen.
ModifyBBCSettings', 'Set a few Bulletin Board Code settings.
ModifyPostSettings', 'Set any setting related to posts and posting.
ModifyTopicSettings', 'Set any setting related to topics.
SetCensor', 'Shows an interface to set and test word censoring.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 13:59
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Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManageRegistration.php - This file helps the administrator setting registration settings and policy as well as allow the administrator to register new members themselves.

AdminRegister', 'Allows the admin to register a new member through the admin center.
EditAgreement', 'Allows the administrator to edit the registration agreement, and choose whether it should be shown or not.
ModifyRegistrationSettings', 'Handles all registration-related settings.
RegCenter', 'Loads up the admin registration center.
SetReserve', 'This function sets up the interface for editing reserved names.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 13:59
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Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManageScheduledTasks.php - Handles everything related to scheduled tasks.

EditTask', 'Handles editing of a specific scheduled task.
list_getNumTaskLogEntries', 'Determines how many task log entries there are.
Loads up information about all the scheduled tasks so you can manage them.
list_getTaskLogEntries', 'Gets a list of task log entries for the task log.
ManageScheduledTasks', 'Handles management of scheduled tasks - viewing them, editing them and viewing the scheduled task log.
ScheduledTasks', 'Displays the scheduled tasks and allows you to enable/disable them as well as run them now.
TaskLog', 'Shows a log of all tasks that have taken place.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 13:59
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 Покинул технарь
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManageSearch.php - Handles all the functionality related to search settings in the admin center.

CreateMessageIndex', 'Creates a custom search index for the messages table.
EditSearchMethod', 'Edit the search method and search index used.
EditSearchSettings', 'Edit some general settings related to the search function.
EditWeights', 'Edit the relative weight of the search factors.
loadSearchAPIs', 'Loads up available search APIs.ManageSearch', 'Main entry point for the admin search settings screen.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 14:00
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 Покинул технарь
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManageSearchEngines.php - Contains functions for handling features and options related to search engines

consolidateSpiderStats', 'Takes any unprocessed hits and turns them into stats.
EditSpider', 'Handles adding new spiders and editing details for existing spiders.
list_getNumSpiderLogs', 'Gets and returns the total number of spider log entries for the list.
list_getNumSpiders', 'Gets and returns the total number of known spiders.
list_getNumSpiderStats', 'Gets and returns the total number of spider stats entries for the list.
list_getSpiderLogs', 'Gets and returns the rows of information for the spider log.
list_getSpiders', 'Gets information about the known search engine spiders for the list.
list_getSpiderStats', 'Gets all the spider stats for the list.
logSpider', 'Logs a spider as being online.
ManageSearchEngineSettings', 'Handles settings related to search engines.
recacheSpiderNames', 'Updates the cache of spider names.
SearchEngines', 'Main entry point for search engine management.
sortSpiderTable', 'Sorts the spiders table by user agent name to avoid mis-identification of the spider.
SpiderCheck', 'Tries to determine whether or not the current user is a search engine spider.
SpiderLogs', 'Handles viewing the spider-related logs.
SpiderStats', 'Loads up spider-related statistics.
ViewSpiders', 'Loads up a list of all known search engine spiders.
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