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Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 14:00
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 Покинул технарь
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManageServer.php - This file contains all the functionality needed to edit the core server settings.

AddLanguage', 'Handles browsing for and installing a new language.
cleanLangString', 'Cleans up language strings to/from the display.
DownloadLanguage', 'Handles downloading language packs from the SMF website.
list_getLanguages', 'Loads up information about the existing languages for the list.
list_getNumLanguages', 'Gets and returns the total number of installed languages for the list.
ManageLanguages', 'Main interface for managing forum languages.
ModifyCacheSettings', 'This function handles the cache-related settings.
ModifyCacheSettings', 'Handles everything related to caching.
ModifyCookieSettings', 'Handles settings related to cookies.
ModifyCoreSettings', 'Loads up the information in Settings.php and displays an interface allowing you to change some of these settings.
ModifyDatabaseSettings', 'Handles managing database settings.
ModifyGeneralSettings', 'Handles the general server settings - maintenance mode, forum name, etc.
ModifyLanguage', 'Handles editing of a particular set of language entries.
ModifyLanguages', 'Lists all current languages and allows editing of them.
ModifyLanguageSettings', 'Displays a list of all languages and allows editing of them.
ModifyLoadBalancingSettings', 'Allows you to configure SMF to disable some features if the server load is too high.
ModifyOtherSettings', 'Displays an interface for editing configuration settings that are stored in the database (except caching-related settings).
ModifySettings', 'The main entry point for the "Edit Server Settings" section.
prepareDbSettingsContext', 'A helper function. It sets up the context for database settings.
prepareServerSettingsContext', 'Sets up the $context array for Manage Server Settings.
saveDBSettings', 'A helper function for saving DB settings.
saveSettings', 'Saves settings to Settings.php and/or the settings table.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 14:00
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Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManageSettings.php - This file contains functions for managing various forum settings, as well as for the "Modification Settings" page.

EditCustomProfiles', 'Handles editing of custom profile fields.
list_getProfileFields', 'Gets all the profile fields for the list.
list_getProfileFieldSize', 'Returns the number of custom profile fields.
loadGeneralSettingParameters', 'Loads settings parameters for the specified subactions.
ModifyBasicSettings', 'Handles basic forum settings - guest access, default personal text, etc.
ModifyCoreFeatures', 'An overall control panel handling enabling/disabling of many key features.
ModifyFeatureSettings', 'Sets up all of the tabs/sections in the Admin -> Configuration -> Features and Options section.
ModifyGeneralSecuritySettings', 'Settings really associated with general security aspects.
ModifyKarmaSettings', 'Handles Karma-related settings.
ModifyLayoutSettings', 'Handles the "Look and Layout" section.
ModifyModerationSettings', 'Handles settings for the user warning system.
ModifyModSettings', 'Handles the Modification Settings section of the admin center.
ModifySecuritySettings', 'Handles security-related settings.
ModifySignatureSettings', 'Handles signature-related settings.
ModifySpamSettings', 'Handles the Anti-Spam settings.
pauseSignatureApplySettings', 'Temporarily pauses applying settings to signatures.
ShowCustomProfiles', 'Shows all custom profile fields.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 14:00
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Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ManageSmileys.php - This file contains functions for managing smileys and smiley sets.

AddSmiley', 'This function is used for adding a new smiley to one or more sets.
EditMessageIcons', 'Handles the message icon manager.
EditSmileyOrder', 'This function handles editing the order of the smileys.
EditSmileys', 'This function handles adding, editing and deleting individual smileys.
EditSmileySets', 'This function handles adding, editing or deleting smiley sets.
EditSmileySettings', 'This function handles the "Smiley Settings" screen. It allows you to edit all smiley-related settings and smiley sets.
ImportSmileys', 'Imports smileys from an existing directory into a new smiley set.
InstallSmileySet', 'Installs a new smiley set.
list_getMessageIcons', 'Gets and returns information about all the message icons for the list.
list_getNumSmileys', 'Gets and returns the total number of smileys for the list.
list_getNumSmileySets', 'Returns the total number of (known) smiley sets for the list.
list_getSmileys', 'Gets information about all the smileys for the list.
list_getSmileySets', 'Gets and returns information about all the smiley sets for the list.
ManageSmileys', 'This is the main entry point for the smiley management center. It defines the sub-actions, etc.
sortSmileyTable', 'Utility function used to keep the smileys table sorted in descending order by the length of the smiley code.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 14:01
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Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

Memberlist.php - This file handles the main (publicly-viewable) memberlist, as well as searching for members via the memberlist.

MemberList', 'Shows a list of registered members.
MLall', 'Used to display all members on a page-by-page basis with sorting.
MLSearch', 'Used to search for members or display search results.
printMemberListRows', 'Retrieves results of request passed to it.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 14:01
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 Покинул технарь
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

MessageIndex.php - Loads up a list of topics (and child boards) in a particular board and displays them.

MessageIndex', 'Shows a list of topics and boards in a particular board.
QuickModeration', 'Allows for moderation from the message index.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 14:01
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 Покинул технарь
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

ModLog.php - This file is responsible for the Moderation Log.

list_getModLogEntries', 'Gets the moderation log entries that match the specified parameters.
list_getModLogEntryCount', 'Returns the number of log entries matching the specified parameters.
ViewModLog', 'Loads up all the moderation log entries and displays them according to specified parameters.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 14:01
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 Покинул технарь
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

MoveTopic.php - Contains functions for moving one or more topics.

MoveTopic', 'Is called to allow moderator to give reason for topic move.
MoveTopic2', 'Is called on the submit of MoveTopic.
moveTopics', 'Performs the changes needed to move topics to new boards.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 15:29
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 Покинул технарь
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

News.php - Contains functions for all of the news feeds.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 15:30
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 Покинул технарь
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

Notify.php - This file contains just the functions that turn on and off notifications to topics or boards.

Отправлено: 19 марта 2017 — 15:30
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 Покинул технарь
Сообщений: 1825
Регистрация: 12.2011

PackageGet.php - This whole file deals with package servers and downloading/uploading new packages.
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6 января 2017 — 20:28
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